» Turning 25 ...


On January 31st 2012, I will be a quarter century old. 

I tried to Google "things you need to do before you turn 25" and I just got a lot of raunchy ideas like having a threesome, having a one night stand, live in a different country.

Sorry, but I'm living a realistic life in 2012 and I'm in a loving, committed relationship with ONE man and I plan on keeping it that way.

I don't think that crossing off 25 things is going to make me feel better about myself or feel more accomplished.

Instead, I am going to make a list of 25 things/people I am grateful for or have influenced my 25 year old life. Nothing long and drawn out, just simple and straightforward. :] [not in any particular order, just as they came to mind so don't fret!]

25. My job
24. My grandmother
23. My SALEM family
22. My FKUMC family
21. Cupcakes
20. Stella Artois
19. The Chicago Bulls!
18. Korean BBQ / Soju :]
17. Chicago
16. My true friends
15. My brother
14. Gom
13. Thrift stores
12. Fashion
11. Hello Kitty
10. Canon Rebel XS
09. Cosmetics
08. My health
07. Warm weather
06. Nail polish
05. David :]
04. All music
03. Great food
02. My mommy and my daddy
01. Jesus & the Word


» First Blog Sale of 2012

02.14.12 -- I just updated with a few more items. I am moving on February 24th so I would like all of this stuff to go before then! Thanks to those who bought from me multiple times, I appreciate it! =)

First blog sale of 2012 and I thought I would change things up a little bit. I am trying to live a really minimal lifestyle so I am trying to get rid of everything so I am going to offer free shipping so you guys can help me get rid of all my excess stuff! Prices are based on other blog sales, suggestions made on MUA, and even eBay for the BNIB items so they are pretty firm. Here are my five simple guidelines:

1. First come, first serve.
2. PayPal only.
3. Free shipping!
4. No returns.
5. I ship every Saturday

NOTE: Pictures are included in the brackets :)

Please e-mail me at sylvialeexd @ gmail. It's the fastest way you will get a response/

If you leave a comment here, please remember to include your e-mail address! If you are a member on MUA, please let me know your ID so I can leave a token. :] Enjoy!


» January Goals ; 010112

Welcome to 2012! Like I said previously, I don't believe in New Year's resolutions and I will be ongoing with my traditional of monthly goals. I find that having short term goals and having that sense of accomplishment is better for me than long term ones that I have a harder time keeping up with. Here are my January goals. Enjoy!

31. Celebrate my 25th birthday!
30. Meet with my family for New Year's Day.
29. Write in my journal everyday.
28. Go snowboarding.
27. Stop biting my nails.
26. Attend Salem regularly again.
25. Open up another checking account maybe as a mini "savings" account.
24. Meet with my family for my grandpa's memorial service.
23. Sell some of my makeup.
22. Go on a clothing no-buy.
21. Bake something new & yummy!
20. Go downtown to the museums.
19. Go to Maxwell Street Market.
18. Go to new restaurants.
17. Start working out more regularly. Kinect, anyone?
16. Try not to chop off my hair!
15. Eat more fruit.
14. Not to mix up my personal and work life. I don't want to get too emotionally invested in a company that is not going to treat me well.
13. Focus more on quality, not quantity.
12. Travel somewhere with D for my birthday?
11. Buy a cognac structured tote.
10. Buy D some black and silver gauges.
09. Get a present for Larry and Jin's new baby boy!
08. Try and limit my soda drinking.
07. Make D a home-cooked meal one of these weekends. Probably the weekend it's supposed to snow 10 inches?
06. Swap for Revlon Whimsical nail polish. So pretty!
05. Give Katie & Cat their Christmas gifts [SO LATE!!!!]
04. Do something about my phone situation.
03. Buy one pair of good quality black boots.
02. Buy my grandma something nice.
01. Try to bring lunch to work and not buy it.

» Welcome to 2012 ; 010112

Happy New Year!

I hope that 2012 brings many blessings, health, & happiness to your families. 

NYE ; 123111