» Thanksgiving 2011 ; 112411

I can't believe it's already Thanksgiving and nearing the end of 2011. This year has definitely flown by. I'm thankful for so many things on a daily basis but I thought I would compile a list here so these people can get some recognition :]

1. My family.
I have such strong ties to my family. I'm not sure if it's in my heritage [Korean] but my love for them is fierce. I will hurt anyone that intentionally hurts my family, with absolutely no hesitation. It's almost frightening how much I care for these individuals but they have shown me so much support and love throughout the years that I can't help but feel this possessive about them. My parents, my grandmother, & my brother especially. My brother's friends are actually afraid of me when they first meet me. Just get on my good side, don't hurt my family, and we'll get along just fine! :]

2. David.
I still am in awe that he has put up with me for more than a year. We fight hard, we laugh hard, and we love hard. I am still learning new things about him everyday and more and more, I'm beginning to look forward to taking the next step with him. More and more, he makes all of my past relationships look meaningless and shows me how little my previous boyfriends really cared for me. Plus, David smells nice all the time and is an AWESOME snuggler. SCORE! ;]

3. My job.
I'm still at PCNation and loving every minute of it. I really enjoy working with my co-workers and am glad that I was able to land myself in a company that is constantly growing and has great opportunities for even someone like me to take! I was told that I would be getting a promotion/raise next January (right around my 1 year mark) so I'm definitely pumped for that! Can't wait to see what I can do in my new role...

Just a quick shout-out to the special people in my life.. :] Be thankful ALWAYS.

» November Goals ; 110111

It's time for November goals! I did much better in October than I expected but still didn't finish it..

30. Take family pictures. The cheesy, everyone wearing jeans and a white tee in orange/red/yellow leaves, family pictures. Now that P and I are a bit older, we rarely get to spend time with our parents/grandma as often as before. Wouldn't it be nice to have pictures that aren't from the 90's? :]
29. Bake pumpkin cupcakes with cream cheese frosting.
28. Lose a bit more weight. I lost about 10 pounds already - yay!
27. Go to Maxwell Street Market with D and go visit my favorite taco man.
26. Start [& finish!] my holiday shopping. I refuse to step foot into a mall during December.
25. Buy a cobalt blue or white blazer.
24. Buy a white lace dress. Why didn't I buy the F21 one?!
23. Update this blog more. It's not a blog for readers but a blog for myself so I'd like to invest a bit more time whenever I can just to post.
22. Donate my clothes. I want to start living a minimalistic lifestyle. Quality > quantity, except for small trendy pieces. I'm always going to be a cheap accessory hunter!
21. Eat Ben & Jerry's Pumpkin Cheesecake ice cream. YUM.
20. Be on a makeup no-buy for the rest of the year.
19. Try and finish a perfume before I buy another one. I have a few in mind that I want next but I will try and finish the millions of bottles I have open first.
18. Cook a home-cooked dinner for D.
17. Make a dessert for Thanksgiving.
16. Start a checking or savings account and start saving for more important things!
15. Try to limit drinking pop. Maybe start drinking 1/day?